I can’t believe I’ve been exposing T-Mobile for over one year now.
I started exposing them in September 2023 just one week after being laid off after 17 years (at my request). I have a legit online breadcrumb trail of being a whistleblower in America - my trail shows you how I went from being naive trusting the system to learning the system was a lie.
I didn’t expect to still be talking about T-Mobile one year later because my plan was to use T-Mobile to kickoff my platform for talking about other topics, but here we are.
The reason I’m having to continue talking about T-Mobile is because they censored all of my social media platforms for using them as my story to launch my independent journalism. They took my free speech online, they took my ability to make money with content online, they’re hiding me online from people who don’t know me and it’s halted all of my social media growth for over 6 months now.
I don’t expect people to understand my censorship because I’ve learned the word censorship has no meaning in 2024 - just like the words vaccinated, fascist, republican, democrat. There’s been a purposeful attack on our reality and changing the definition of words is always a tactic used during tyrannical times.
Exposing T-Mobile For Beginners
You should care about me exposing T-Mobile because they are a wireless company that is purposefully destroying America from within. This has nothing to do with politics and it has everything to do with how T-Mobile treated employees, customers, and America.
Do you think American Fortune 100 companies should be laying off Americans while reporting record earnings and raising the prices of rate plans on customers?
Of course you don’t unless greed blinds you.
Fortune 100 companies are completely out of control because they bought up all of the government officials who are supposed to be regulating them. There is a revolving door between private business and the federal agencies that are supposed to be governing them, it’s prevalent in the medical industry with the FDA, CDC, and companies like Pfizer.
Here’s an example of T-Mobile’s revolving door with the government - T-Mobile hired Clint Odom as VP of Strategic Alliances and External Affairs in 2021. Clint came from the National Urban League, he worked for Kamala Harris prior to the National Urban League, and he conveniently worked for the Federal Communications Commission that regulated wireless spectrum.
If you want to read more about it, check out this story from February.
More Jobs! Lower Prices! The New T-Mobile!
T-Mobile and Sprint CEOs made a lot of promises that ended up being bullshit lies, which I guess is to be expected when there’s billions of dollars to be made between a small group of people.
T-Mobile CEO John Legere and Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure promised to add jobs and lower prices in front of the US Congress, but what they failed to mention was it was only a 3 year promise, they saved those details for the fine print.
Here’s a 2 minute video you’ll only see from me because T-Mobile deleted this video from their YouTube in October 2023 when I was gaining traction by exposing them.
In this video, John Legere and Marcelo Claure make the promises I mentioned above.
T-Mobile Has Over $5 Billion in Insider Sales in 2024
Most Americans are numb to company executives and insiders dumping stock because all of the Fortune 100 companies are doing it, but what makes T-Mobile unique is nobody is talking about their insider sales while the stock hits all time highs, only a censored whistleblower is.
Don’t you think that’s a little odd?
T-Mobile Violated My Rights With A Vaccine Mandate I Fought Against and Won
T-Mobile was allowed to discriminate me for being unvaccinated, I was not allowed to go into the office in Frisco Texas for 10 months while vaccinated employees were required to go 2-3 times a week.
Unfortunately for me, Texas didn’t make Chapter 81D a law until T-Mobile got away with it. Here’s a video from May where I break it down and show you how T-Mobile violated my rights.
Sharing My Breadcrumb Trail
If you follow this, it’s one long story of me exposing T-Mobile.
October 31, 2023 - I published a video calling out the old T-Mobile CEO for being a sellout - he went from anti-establishment to being the establishment.
In hindsight, talking shit to elite hundred millionaire CEOs right out of the gates was not a smart idea 🤣. I’m 99% sure John Legere has played a role in my censorship because I was exposing his NFT scam on top of the company he was a famous CEO for.
I posted my first story on my Substack website on December 15, 2023. I was suspended from X at the time and I was searching for a place to use my free speech, I’m glad I landed on Substack because it’s helped me create an amazing breadcrumb trail.
December 19, 2023 - I explain why I declined my severance, I’m all about free speech and speaking up for all Americans. I turned down my $150k severance because I knew I could make that money back with my skills on social media as long as I had my free speech about T-Mobile. I didn’t anticipate censorship stopping me and that’s where my plan has failed.
2 days later on December 21st, I exposed T-Mobile’s Gender Transition Guide that’s used by HR and Managers to help guide employees through transitioning genders in the workplace.
Seriously, why do they even have this?
I’ll never forget January 4, 2024! That’s the day Lara Logan recognized my journalism. Lara is a well know investigative journalist, this is a big deal because she’s also validating what I exposed about T-Mobile.
January 10, 2024 - I exposed T-Mobile’s Transgender Agenda and this resulted in a huge pop in engagement on X for me. I was writing stories here on Substack and using my X account to market my work, it was working brilliantly.
January 11, 2024 - I exposed T-Mobile’s Black Agenda because of a reply on X from Alex Jones. I called Alex out for using the black agenda to divide America, he pretended like I was a weak liberal, the next day I showed back up in Alex’s replies with this story exposing T-Mobile’s Black Agenda. I never heard back from Alex after this story but it got me a lot of likes and follows in his replies.
March 4, 2024 - This was a pivotal moment for me. I blew up on X in January and February and lost it all to censorship, this story was me exposing how I learned the conservative movement is owned by the same people as T-Mobile.
I took a break in April because I was beat down and wore out with censorship.
99.9% of people will never know what it’s like to blow up a social media and lose it all to big tech censorship, it’s a sick feeling when you bet everything on free speech in America and learn free speech died.
I came back in May with more video content, T-Mobile raised the prices of their rate plans and I wanted to see if I could catch a trend on social media with video.
I’m proud of how I taught myself to produce all of this content. High School is my highest eduction, I worked in telecommunications for 20 years, and everything you see me doing is all me on my own by myself.
I kicked off Pride Month with a video exposing T-Mobile’s employee benefit of Unlimited Money for Transgender Specific Surgeries. I don’t have a problem with Transgender adults, I have a problem with children and transgenderism being used to confuse a generation into forgetting what a boy and girl is.
T-Mobile provides unlimited money for transgender surgeries while limiting in vitro to $15-$20k. T-Mobile limits their support for helping you to have a child but they’ll provide unlimited support for your children to change genders.
The Un-carrier is Un-American.
June 4, 2024 - I was unleashing stories exposing T-Mobile during Pride Month but my censorship was already too strong so I couldn’t get anything to go viral. I’m pretty sure Trans-Mobile has been suppressed from getting traction on social media.
This is another video T-Mobile deleted from their YouTube, it shows you how the Pride flag was created.
6/6/24 - T-Mobile stock hits an all time high coincidentally on a day that could be considered 666. In the Frisco Texas office where my desk was, I was by office 4E666.
You can laugh it off as coincidences, I see it as more than that.
June 17, 2024 - I hit ‘em with the Gender Transition Guidelines again, but this time in video and it was part of my Pride Month celebration for T-Mobile.
June 20, 2024 - I realized the site I was using for T-Mobile stock insider sales was wrong and it was missing A LOT of sales. T-Mobile’s parent company Deutsche Telekom was dumping $30 million of stock 2-3 times a week every week for the first half of 2024.
Again, the only person talking about this a former employee/censored whistleblower.
June 26, 2024 - I went next level with exposing T-Mobile’s Pride Agenda, I compare their agenda to a video the Army produced in 1945 that shows you how Nazi Germany divided society.
Reminder, T-Mobile is partly owned by the German government.
June 27, 2024 - I was having fun trolling T-Mobile on LinkedIn with my stories, I had a lot of T-Mobile employees coming to my page everyday to see what I was posting.
I posted my journalism for sale to let T-Mobile know how much it cost for me to stop telling my story. I had to decline the $150k severance offer because it was also paying for my silence about T-Mobile for the rest of my life - I told them from day 1 that I’d prove my silence was worth more than $150k.
June 27, 2024 - I posted 2 stories this day as a flex to T-Mobile letting them know how I could easily produce stories exposing them. I’m pretty sure this is what helped me lose my LinkedIn account because Mike Sievert used to work at Microsoft and of course I’m not allowed to embarrass him with my free speech and truth.
June 28, 2024 - I posted a story about the previous CEO John Legere and showed you how he lied to get the T-Mobile and Sprint merger to go through.
June 30, 2024 - I closed out Pride Month, more people should be asking why I’m the only person exposing T-Mobile.
I have countless receipts showing you that big name journalists don’t care, the same people exposing Transgenderism are the same ones blocking me, my story exposes a lot of heroes who are really controlled opposition sellouts.
July 17, 2024 - Calling all 5G Conspiracy Theorists!
I’ve pivoted countless times over the last year as a whistleblower and this story is an example of trying to gain attention from a different audience. One of my strengths is understanding when I need to change my approach, I pivot quick and execute fast because that’s what we did at T-Mobile.
Every person that talks about 5G should be interested in me showing you the T-Mobile President being a WEF partner who worked at Ericsson when they helped terrorists with communications while fighting against American soldiers.
Yeah, read that again.
July 17, 2024 - Another day I posted 2 stories. DEI is constantly trending on social media but only certain companies are allowed to be exposed. I’m exposing a first hand experience of how DEI is destroying American values and big name journalists don’t care to help share my story.
July 22, 2024 - This is another example of me pivoting my approach, I dumbed down Why Exposing T-Mobile Is Important.
This story took off and was one of my best performing stories.
July 23, 2024 - Crowdstrike was in the news for an outage and I reminded people that T-Mobile had 8 data breaches in 5 years leaking data for over 75 million customers.
On top of that, T-Mobile is known for cryptocurrency and bank account scams that seem to require an insider as a component. I know so much truth about T-Mobile which is exactly why they’ve worked so hard to hide me online.
August 14, 2024 - Big name independent journalists were talking about Digital IDs and Vaccine Passports and I had to remind people that I’ve been exposing the creator of the World Health Organization and European Union’s Vaccine Passport and Digital ID.
August 27, 2024 - America was talking about Mark Zuckerberg apologizing for COVID censorship, I reminded people about T-Mobile censoring the same information during the same time and getting away with it.
Gateway Pundit, a well known conservative news outlet wrote a story about me in January 2024.
September 16, 2024 - I celebrated 3 years of fighting back against T-Mobile’s tyranny. This was a turning point in me exposing T-Mobile because I was preparing to level up my approach.
T-Mobile took my free speech online and thought I would go away after I walked away from my $200k career I built and turned down my $150k severance just to speak up - they’re learning I don’t give up when I know I’m doing the right thing.
September 20, 2024 - I exposed T-Mobile 5G as being the WEF’s 5G using their Capital Markets Day event video.
It’s an open book test and I’m showing America all of the answers to T-Mobile being the WEF’s telecommunications company implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
September 23, 2024 - I provided an update on Insider stock sales.
September 25, 2024 - I gave T-Mobile a warning that I was turning up the heat, I was preparing to hit the streets to share my story.
September 30, 2024 - I trolled a T-Mobile President and put a flyer at every house in his gated community.
October 10, 2024 - Jon Freier pressed harassment charges against me, I turned myself in and spent a day in jail while waiting to get arraigned by a Judge, and now I have a court case from a T-Mobile executive I’ve known for over 15 years.
I provided a warning that I was turning up the heat, lol. I’ve been transparent and leaving a breadcrumb trail the entire time I’ve been exposing T-Mobile.
October 12, 2024 - I shared that I was leveling up my approach.
I’m censored so hard on social media that I’ve learned I have to pivot my approach from social media to in real life.
October 22, 2024 - I simplified my message because new people will be coming to my website and the’ll be lost jumping into a story that’s been going on for over one year.
October 24, 2024 - Another simplified story recapping T-Mobile lies.
If you made it this far, I appreciate you!
You’re reading and supporting a story that is fighting for humanity’s future.
Most people do not understand the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, or how the World Economic Forum thinks you should be happy owning nothing.
I do understand all of that I just mentioned, I’ve been it studying since 2020 when the system turned on us, and for some reason, I’ve been blessed to be the one guy that is exposing T-Mobile as the World Economic Forum’s telecommunications company.
Please share this story with someone you know!
I need one of those ol’ school AOL email chains to help get my story out.
I've known about what these con men manipulators have been doing to us for awhile but as you censored on all platforms .Please make sure you mention in your videos you are not SUICIDAL. Remember Kappy? What happened to him was a warning for anybody who exposes them you are dead & it will be blasted out on MSM, Facebook,X & foreign media for all to see 😡 These people are EVIL 😮 I appreciate what your doing 😀 but be safe out there. God bless you.
You’re a brave man. A whistleblower’s whistleblower, similar to citizen journalist David Daleiden who exposed the illegal baby body parts sales at Planned Parenthood only to be persecuted, prosecuted and almost silenced by TPTB.