Passing Out Flyers in Jon Freier's Gated Community
Yeah, I trolled a T-Mobile President today 🤣
Here’s me in front of T-Mobile President Jon Freier’s house.
I tried leaving Jon Freier out of exposing T-Mobile, but unfortunately for both of us censorship at the request of T-Mobile forced me into a battle with T-Mobile.
One year ago, Jon and I traded text messages because his social team blocked me on X/Twitter without his approval. I was trolling other T-Mobile executives immediately after my requested layoff, but I was purposely leaving Jon Freier out of it because I’ve known him since 2010 and I didn’t want to involve people I knew.
Here’s a screenshot of the text exchange, read it. Freier’s messages are black, mine are blue.
I was naive and ignorant one year ago and I was playing nice with the T-Mobile higher ups I grew up with in the Dallas area. I had no idea my plan to expose T-Mobile would blow up in my face because T-Mobile is 100% protected from being exposed.
Seriously. Go look at your stock app on your phone, check T-Mobile stock ticker TMUS, scroll through the news and tell me if you see one story about T-Mobile Insiders selling over $5.3 Billion in stock in 2024.
T-Mobile has taken away my ability to make money with my name and my face.
I can never operate a journalism business using Marc Palasciano.
I exposed myself while thinking I was going to expose the most valuable telecommunications company in the world that’s partly owned and heavily influenced by the German government.
I probably can’t even operate an anonymous journalism business either because every platform is now requiring you to submit your identification in order to get monetized.
Here’s the flyer I put on every doorstep in Freier’s gated community.
It’s a lot to read so I’ll summarize it below the image.
The front page is explaining who I am, why I’m doing what I’m doing, shares examples of stories, and I even included QR codes to make it effortless for someone to dig in more if they’re interested.
The back page has six of my T-Mobile stories summarized with QR codes linked to each story.
Now let me tell you how today went down!
At first, I thought I struck out because I didn’t realize Freier’s neighborhood was a gated community.
Here’s a 20 second video recap:
And then I took a selfie with my flyer outside of his gate because I was still proud of trying.
I sat in my car for a few minutes because I wasn’t ready to admit defeat, and then boom, a car entered and I followed through.
Here’s a picture of me and my flyer in front of Jon’s house after I put a flyer on his doorstep.
Here’s a picture of my car looking sexy in front of Jon’s house, too bad his daughter's car ruined it. (I wish iOS could remove her car but nope)
Here’s a video before I left his neighborhood, I made sure every house got my flyer.
I purposely wore my USA flag shirt with my Texas hat, I was respectful to the few neighbors I engaged with, and I didn’t even walk through people’s yards which added a lot of steps because their houses were baller.
I’ll use my free speech to professionally troll T-Mobile leadership to their neighbors.
I wish I could do Bellevue in person but I’ll have to settle for mail.
Thanks - Marc Palasciano
I proved my plan worked - I used T-Mobile to make my social media accounts grow and then I pivoted to other stories to prove I could produce my own content.
T-Mobile took away my ability to make money with my personal skills.
Blocking is essentially admitting you don't have a reason. It's what tyrants use all the time. They want their say but you can't have your say becuase it would make the truth too uncomfortable for them. It's all part of the supremacy complex this entire economy runs on. If we don't block each other, if we stand for free speech, we make the conditions untenable for sociopaths. Free speech is our ticket out of the mousetrap so we must not do it to each other as that implies consent. "Do to others"...etc. All employees are part of the scheme but they whore themselves by getting paid to keep quiet.
I stopped patronizing any and all 'big box' entities and encourage others to do the same every chance I get. Working en masse is the only way to fight these egregious devils who are destroying this country, our legal rights, and most importantly, our Constitution all in the name of personal data collection profits. I'm waiting for the day when they've collected everything they could possibly collect which will render this trend - dead. However, it also makes me wonder what they'll come up with next... They've way too much power, money, and control and they need to be STOPPED. My fear is Trump gets elected - Trump who's a capitalistic pig - oops, I meant 'king.' Bravo to you for the courage to fight this corruption.