Every American Should Know This About T-Mobile
I turned down a $150,000 severance package to tell you this -- I’m a former employee whistleblower who is being censored and silenced.
I’m not into fluff and wasting people’s time, so I’ll start with statements and then back them up with evidence and fact-based reasoning.
I lost my free speech in America and I’m about to show you why
T-Mobile US is an American company whose parent company was once 100% owned by the German Government and they’re a significant partner for the World Economic Forum (WEF). (Moving forward - I’ll refer to T-Mobile US as T-Mobile, and T-Mobile’s parent company in Germany is Deutsche Telekom)
T-Mobile is helping destroy America from within by utilizing tactics like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) to influence ideological subversion among the American people.
T-Mobile lied to America about the merger with Sprint, they used half-truths to mislead everyone. The T-Mobile and Sprint CEOs lied to Congress by promising to create jobs and lower the prices of rate plans for consumers, 2023 proved those statements to be half-truth lies and I’ll show you how.
T-Mobile violated my rights as an American in 2021 and 2022. I worked there for 17 years and was recently laid off in August, but my employment extended through November 2, 2023. T-Mobile discriminated against me for being unvaccinated and barred me from entering the office while vaccinated people were allowed to enter the office, this went on for 10 months and in Frisco Texas!
T-Mobile was one of the coolest turn around stories in the history of American business, we went from being on the “List of Companies Expected to Die in 2011” to the “Fastest Growing Wireless Company in America”. But now, T-Mobile should be known for being one of the most corrupt wireless companies in America that’s full of Woke ideology it forces onto their employees.
One of the many subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems, helped the World Health Organization and European Union both create their global Vaccine Passport system. They also have a “Customer Data Platform” that seems to be a perfect system to implement a Social Credit Score.
T-Mobile laid off 5,000 Americans in Q4 2023 while they were also reporting record earnings and record cashflow. Within 10 days of announcing the layoff, they also launched dividends and stock buybacks to the total of $19 Billion.
T-Mobile’s CEO, Mike Sievert, is the highest paid US telecom CEO, Sievert is awarded annual raises 1200% higher than some of his employees, and his CEO ratio pay is 50% higher than the average CEO ratio pay in America.
T-Mobile’s old CEO, John Legere, hustled and manipulated people into believing that he cared about taking down the establishment, but in reality, John Legere was the establishment pretending to be the good guy. After leaving T-Mobile in 2020, Legere partnered with Steve Aoki and 3LAU to run an NFT hustle that made them MILLIONS of dollars.
Sprint’s CEO, Marcelo Claure, helped implement the merger with T-Mobile. Claure is a key player for the WEF and he partnered with Softbank’s CEO Masayoshi Son to make BILLIONS of dollars together on the merger with T-Mobile.
Disclaimer: The above statements are hypotheses that I've found to be supported by evidence, much like scientific research. It's important to note that this support is not in an absolute sense; I remain open to considering additional evidence or knowledge that could challenge or disprove these hypotheses. I want to emphasize my openness to engaging in conversations and discussions about every statement I've made. I am eager to understand any perspectives that challenge my views or highlight inaccuracies in my statements.
How T-Mobile is helping to destroy America from within by making DEI & ESG the forefront of their actions.
As a reminder, I worked there for 17 years so I have first hand experience and knowledge to backup my statement. I started at T-Mobile when I was 22 years old and I’m turning 40 in December of 2023. My entire adult life has been dedicated to T-Mobile, and I cherished every moment until 2020, marked by the T-Mobile and Sprint merger, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the summer of riots for George Floyd. 2020 was when I felt DEI and ESG completely takeover T-Mobile and my career, this was the first time I was not aligned with the messages coming from T-Mobile, the CEO Mike Sievert, and every other Sr Leader at T-Mobile. Funny story, the first time I ever heard Tucker Carlson’s name was in June of 2020 and it was from the T-Mobile CEO virtue signaling — see for yourself.

I have hundreds of examples to show you how woke T-Mobile is, and how they’re using DEI and ESG to destroy America from within by dividing people and forcing unnecessary virtue signaling. T-Mobile completely changed overnight after merging with Sprint, and I’ve now come to understand a few elite players were executing a genius game plan since Deutsche Telekom purchased VoiceStream Wireless in 2001. Unfortunately for them and me, I figured out their game plan and now I’m obligated to expose it because I care about the future of America.
T-Mobile has 10 Employee Resource Groups and employees are pressured into joining a group. Almost every employee that leads people in T-Mobile receives a report showing what employees have not joined a group, it’s commonly included in weekly and monthly meeting agendas. Here’s an image of all the Employee Resource Groups — do you see one for your average white christian male in America?
Note - I’m not a white christian male so think before you react some type of way.
T-Mobile has had these Employee Resource Groups since 2013, I was personally in the Women & Allies Network and the Pride groups since 2015. Leadership challenges you to be an ally and join groups even if they don’t represent you, so I decided to join the Women’s group because I’m a momma’s boy and respect women, and the Pride group because I had an awesome gay aunt that had passed away. From 2015 - 2020, these groups were a part of the T-Mobile culture but it wasn’t part of everyday life and jammed down your throat every second of the day. It all seemed normal and I was proud to work for a company that cared about supporting people being who they want to be, because it also allowed me to be me, #BeYou was a big deal at T-Mobile. I didn’t have to censor myself, our CEO was dropping F bombs on CNBC and Twitter, and we were known for being the outspoken, fun, take shit from no-one type of culture. I am extremely blessed for my time at T-Mobile, I’m thankful for all the experiences and people I met, and I learned a lot in all the different roles I had.
Here’s a 20 second video to remind you how badass John Legere was:
But as they say, all good things must come to an end. So now let’s get back to exposing T-Mobile for the corrupt, woke, tyrannical company they’ve turned into.
Let’s talk about the Pride group, because I have a lot of examples to show you how toxic this Employee Resource Group is at T-Mobile. To clarify since this topic is so polarizing in 2023, I’m totally cool with gay and trans people (which is why I was in the group), but I’m not cool with companies using these groups to push agendas onto other employees, I’ll never support children medically or surgically changing their gender, and I’m definitely not cool with people like Lia Thomas changing genders and dominating women’s sports. Since I was a member of the Pride group, I was in the Slack room that had over 6,000 members in it. Over the last few years, the room has been completely taken over with the post-2020 woke agenda for the LGBTQIA2S+ community. In order to meet the Pride groups requirements for being an ally — you’re required to support trans surgeries for children and cancelling Chick-fil-A, or the “Gay Mafia” (as they would refer to it as) would belittle you into believing you’re a bigot. I’m sure you’re thinking that Chick-fil-A line is an exaggeration, but I have 20+ screenshots as my receipts. As I mentioned earlier, I can backup my statements with evidence, this is easy for me to do because it’s simply me speaking truth.
A Pride Ally in T-Mobile is Required to Support Banning Chick-fil-A
Here’s where I provide a personal experience to backup my statement — I was ganged up on in the Pride Slack room for supporting a female SVP for saying “Chick-fil-A has a good experience”. T-Mobile rolled out a new in-store frontline experience model in the summer of 2023, and the SVP made that statement about Chick-fil-A in Bellevue while on a livestream being broadcasted nationwide. I was watching it live in Frisco Texas from my jail cell that’s referred to as a cubical, and the moment she said it, I could feel the air get sucked out of the room from 2,000 miles away. She navigated the awkwardness with saying “that line would have landed different in Texas”, and she smiled and moved on eloquently. I’ve known this SVP for almost 10 years and she’s one of the best people I’ve ever met, she’s a person who provides value to everyone she encounters and everywhere she goes, and she personally helped me grow as a person and in my career. I knew when she said that line that there would be a comment in the Pride Slack room, and low and behold, I was correct because the woke mind virus is too easy to predict once you understand it. The comments about her were on July 19th, 2023, I waited 24 hours before responding and defending her character. From July 20th to 27th, I had the woke mind virus attacking my character and saying unprofessional things that should not be allowed in a work environment, and I’m confident these comments would not have been permitted pre-2020. Technically, this Pride Slack room provided a hostile work environment for me, I’m adding an image below with a few screenshots from July 20th. This Pride room experience is a long story we’ll have to continue at another time because I have a lot more stuff to show you.
Next is ESG.
Additional context, I only sent two messages during this situation, one on July 20th, another on July 27th, and I never replied to any of these people ganging up on me. My comment on July 20th was deleted multiple times but I reposted it four times because I didn’t agree with being censored and silenced, ultimately it was deleted the night of July 20th but all of the replies to me were left visible. On July 20th, two gay guys in the room reached out to me thanking me for speaking up and they did not agree with my comment being deleted, enjoy the receipts!
Environmental, Social, Governance Is Nonsense
Beginning in 2021, T-Mobile started to produce an annual “Corporate Responsibility Report”, otherwise known as the company’s report card for how woke they are, the first report shared was a 96 page report recapping 2020. This report introduces their ESG approach and includes topics like — diversity of the workforce, diversity of their supply chain, their approach to climate change, and I’ll be the first to admit there are also positive achievements like investing in the community and employee benefits, but most of this report is woke nonsense used to drive America apart. Let’s take a look at some highlights from the report:
100% of purchased electricity is sourced from renewable energy
The fine print — For T-Mobile’s 100% renewable electricity commitment, T-Mobile matches its own annual electrical usage with renewable energy from a portfolio of sources including: virtual power purchase agreements, a green direct program, renewable retail agreements, and unbundled REC purchases.
Me paraphrasing that fine print - T-Mobile pays another company to be able to say they are purchasing 100% renewable energy.
See if you agree with this quote from Janice Kapner, Executive Vice President & Chief Communications & Corporate Responsibility Officer — “Today 80% of consumers and employees say they’re more likely to buy from or work for companies that share their values across environmental, social, governance, (ESG) categories. And the majority of investors want companies to enhance their ESG reporting to inform their long-term decisions as they increasingly see strong corporate responsibility practices as integral to a strong and resilient business.”
80% of statistics are made up, including this one, nice work Janice!
74% of employees completed Breaking Unconscious Bias Training
I was one of those employees - and this training was when I realized T-Mobile went from Un-carrier to Woke-Carrier.
From page 27: Strength In Who We Are - “We’re proud that diversity, equity, and inclusion are deeply embedded in all we do—from hiring and career development, to our award-winning culture.”
I can’t help but notice the sharp decline in the White column. And let me clarify my position, I’m not in support of hiring anyone strictly off race and I don’t even agree with having reports like this in America.
I’m going to move on from ESG for now, but before I do, here’s some receipts for you to enjoy.

Greedy T-Mobile CEOs that Lie For Personal Gain
Now looking back, I can’t believe I was naive enough to fall for the lies from the T-Mobile CEOs John Legere and Mike Sievert, and the Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure. All three of them are elite hundred millionaire (probably billionaire) hypocrites lying to America while they also pretend to be philanthropists, but in reality their philanthropy is to help them hide their money and avoid paying taxes.
March 12, 2019 — John Legere and Marcelo Claure testified before the House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee in Washington DC, they promised the merger would lower the prices of rate plans and create jobs. These lies resulted in both of them making hundreds of millions of dollars, and it also netted billions for a small circle of people. Video of testimony is below.
Mike Sievert, the 2022 CNN CEO of the year, lies to America over and over. In December 2022, T-Mobile launched “Price Lock” which promised to not raise the prices of consumers plans, and Sievert pretended to care about the inflation American’s were experiencing. Four months later, T-Mobile launched Go5G rate plans, their most expensive rate plans in history which are now required for the best device promotions.
August 24, 2023 — T-Mobile announced they were laying off 5,000 people. Mike Sievert’s reasoning was corporate BS - “What it takes to attract and retain customers is materially more expensive than it was just a few quarters ago”. His statement would imply financial trouble, but on October 25, 2023, T-Mobile and Sievert celebrated the “Highest Cash Flow in Company History”.
March 13, 2021 — John Legere made a record bid on Nifty Gateway of $1,333,333 for an NFT from American DJ, 3LAU. 3LAU brought in over $11.6 million from this NFT auction. Legere’s NFT is now worth $0 and it’s not even loading correctly on Nifty Gateway. Link to NFT
April 22, 2021 — John Legere spent $888,888.88 on an NFT from his favorite DJ, Steve Aoki. This was Aoki’s first NFT collection and Legere’s purchase helped set the price for the rest of Aoki’s collection. Aoki brought in $4.25 million that weekend. Aoki is on record saying he made more money on NFTs than he did in his last 6 albums. As of December 2023, Aoki’s entire NFT collection is worthless. Link to NFT
I’ll continue to expose how Mike Sievert, John Legere, and Marcelo Claure lied and manipulated people for their own personal gain, but it’s time to move onto T-Mobile’s corporate tyranny I personally experienced.
Enjoy this receipt — T-Mobile deleted this video from their account in October of 2023, along with 342 other videos and any video prior to 2020.
Corporate Tyranny
Hopefully by now you’ve figured out I backup my statements with facts and receipts, so now let me illustrate T-Mobile’s Corporate Tyranny. I’m going to expose how T-Mobile partnered with the Biden administration in multiple ways — censoring customer text messages, hiring government employees from the same departments in the FCC governing T-Mobile’s spectrum purchases, and how they violated my rights with the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
T-Mobile censored text/SMS messages across their entire network that contained links to the Gateway Pundit’s articles about vaccine efficacy. When the Missouri State Attorney General investigated, T-Mobile covered up their tyranny with blaming it on their '“Web Guard” software and pretended they were protecting people from spam. I personally experienced not being able to send these links in December of 2021 and have screenshots to prove it, this was the FIRST time I ever had issues with sending specific links to friends through SMS. I’ve worked at T-Mobile long enough to know someone internally decided to add those links to the blocked filter. The question should be who added it, and who requested it? Coincidentally, Meta/Facebook and Twitter are on record conspiring with the Biden administration during this same time censoring the same information.
T-Mobile hired Clint Odom as VP of Strategic Alliances & External Affairs in January of 2021. Clint previously served under Kamala Harris for a decade in the US Senate, he was a senior advisor in the FCC Spectrum Licensing division, and he’s part of the National Urban League. This is a perfect example of the revolving door between Fortune 100 companies and the US Government. If T-Mobile were graded on ESG for Clint’s hire, it would be 120 out of 100. What’s better than a born and raised black American self made millionaire always complaining about how bad America is for black people? In August of 2023, Clint attended the first ever “Global Anti-Racism Champions Award Ceremony” held by the United States Department of State.
T-Mobile violated my right to personal freedom in Frisco Texas for 10 months, they discriminated against me for being unvaccinated. From September 2021 to July 2022, I was not allowed to go into the office, travel for my job that my peers were traveling for, or attend events outside of the office while vaccinated employees were allowed all of those freedoms. This was one of the darkest and hardest times of my life — it felt like the entire world turned against me for simply not wanting the COVID-19 vaccine. T-Mobile broke me with how they treated me — it was de-humanizing, un-ethical, violated Nuremberg Code, and it was textbook discrimination against me. Thankfully I was strong enough to overcome that psychological warfare, and it only made me stronger.
On April 1, 2023, T-Mobile reversed its vaccination policy. The email from Deeanne King, HR EVP, did not admit any mistakes were made and continued to push vaccines and boosters as being the most effective way to prevent serious illness and death from COVID-19. I've heard from current and former T-Mobile employees from all over the country - some were fired, most regret getting the jab and felt they were bullied into it by T-Mobile, and some even reported health issues. T-Mobile’s leadership owns all of that! Deeanne ended up blocking me on X because I asked for an apology.
There is so much more to T-Mobile and their deep ties into the US government - there are billions of dollars flowing through these lobbyists and politicians. Mike Sievert sits on the Welcome.US CEO council, which happens to be full of CEOs focused on their ESG score more than American values. T-Mobile has some interesting programs that look good on the surface - like Project 10 Million. The goal is to provide free internet to students in low income areas, which sounds awesome and it’s definitely something to be proud of, BUT this is how T-Mobile is partnering with the Biden Administration to get more lower income people reliant on government assistance - i.e. socialism and universal basic income. I’m all for helping lower income people, but I’ve lost faith in the US government and companies focused on ESG and DEI genuinely helping any of us regular people in America. In 2022 and 2023, T-Mobile donated 200,000 phones to refugees while they were laying off American employees, they were ramping up overseas customer support from the Philippines, raising the prices of rate plans on consumers, and investing $19 billion back into shareholders pockets.
T-Mobile went from being the Un-carrier to being Un-American.

How the World Economic Forum Entered America Telecommunications
It’s not a secret Deutsche Telekom entered the American telecommunications industry by purchasing VoiceStream in 2001, but most people probably don’t know how it happened and how deep Deutsche Telekom is intertwined into the World Economic Forum.
In 2001, the European Union (EU) warned the United States not to block Deutsche Telekom’s planned purchase of VoiceStream Wireless. The EU threatened a transAtlantic trade fight if federal regulators gave into objections from an American Senator, the Senator had concerns with a company owned by a foreign government owning a telecommunications company in America. I’m going to rephrase that statement — the EU bullied America into forcing the sale of an American telecommunications company to Deutsche Telekom who was heavily owned by the German government.
It’s ok if you don’t know who the World Economic Forum is, most people don’t who they are, but everyone should know who they are. Klaus Schwab founded the WEF in 1971 with the sole focus of influencing the way the world works through government and private partnership, and I can promise you that you probably don’t agree with his version of the way the world should work. Klaus has established a highly successful business empire since 1971, he’s now in the pockets of elites across the world, politicians, billionaires, CEOs, and the list goes on. Klaus is the author of “The Great Reset”, he’s focused on ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Artificial Intelligence. One of Klaus famous quotes is “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”.
As George Carlin would say, “It’s a Big Club, and You Ain’t In It”.
Now onto some interesting insights about Deutsche Telekom. It’s technically Deutsche Telekom AG, headquartered in Bonn Germany, with multiple subsidiaries across the world. T-Systems is one of my favorite subsidiaries — T-Systems helped the World Health Organization and European Union create their global vaccine passport systems. T-Systems also helped the EU create online social identities that are being piloted in Europe through 2024, and they have a “Customer Data Platform” that seems like a perfect system to support a Social Credit Score.
In December of 2021, I was not allowed to attend the T-Mobile Holiday Party in Frisco Texas due to being unvaccinated. In order to attend the event, you had to have your “magenta pass” and “QR barcode” to enter the party. The magenta pass was provided to you after you submitted your vaccine card to a third party company, Cleared4.
I’m going to stop here on this topic, because I’ve exposed a lot of information that some people don’t want you to know. As I write this, I’m on day 51 of X/Twitter support not replying to my requests asking why I was suspended, my last post was exposing T-Mobile’s partnership with The Great Reset and Social Credit Scores.
As always, receipt attached.
Note: The image without the words was pulled directly from T-Systems website, the version with words was created as an info-graphic.

More About My Journey Over The Last Two Months and My Next Steps - I Need Your Support
Seriously, I didn’t sign the $140,000 severance agreement because I knew it would silence me about anything and everything T-Mobile. On top of not taking the money, I’ve lost a lot of friends and families support because I’m making statements that go against the narratives in 2023. I bet everything on Elon’s promises of having free speech on X/Twitter, my account was suspended 5 days after launching my introduction to journalism video on October 20th, 2023, and I can’t get a response from X support as to why I’m suspended. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, The Federal Trade Commission, and the Texas State Attorney General. I should hear back from the BBB any day now, the FTC probably won’t reply, and the Texas State AG replied with generic BS closing the case. I made a Dear Elon video and sent it a lot of people, here’s a few examples of who - Tesla and X/Twitter leadership, Theo Von, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and I event sent it to Maye Musk’s assistant. The best part, I know some of these people at Tesla and Twitter watched it because I intentionally made the video private and shared the private link in these emails — I don’t know who watched it, but I know a lot of these people read my note and were intrigued enough to watch part of the video. I’ve had to continually pivot since being suspended on X on October 25th, I made more YouTube videos and learned I can create engaging content, and I’ve now landed on SubStack because I think it’s my last chance to build a platform for my independent journalism. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s been really hard going through all of this because I’m learning it’s impossible to have free speech in America in 2023 — big tech controls online, and your friends and family judge if you say anything outside the normal. Unfortunately, cancel culture is more common in society than spreading love.
My Next Steps
I’m going to clearly define what my journalism operation will look like on Substack. As far as I can tell, Substack is the only platform that I can have free speech while easily managing a subscription and newsletter model to keep readers proactively receiving content. I’ll publish free content and put the more risqué stuff behind paywalls to protect my ability of having free speech online.
If you want to support me, subscribe!
With Love
Marc Palasciano
“Breaking Unconscious Bias” one of T-Mobile’s favorite trainings to virtue signal with
You need to go deeper. Your scratching at the surface of the telecommunications corruption because it relates to your personal experience. There is a titanic sized iceberg, right under the surface. Look at the technological history. Look at the military history. Look at the regulatory history. You'll find a bigger grift than DEI, ESG, climate change science, covid science, economics and political science.😐🤔🤨🤐🤐🤐
It's all connected, it's all moving humanity towards a singular goal and yes, it's a very big club, that the everyday people's are not in.😐
#itsdeeperthanyouthink #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised