Unmasking T-Mobile's Transgender Agenda
Examples of How The Un-carrier Turned Un-American
Don’t forget to check out my Expose on T-Mobile
Now it’s time to get to work, I’m a new journalist starting off as a whistleblower. I’m not new to how T-Mobile is using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to destroy America from within. I worked at T-Mobile from age 22 to 39, I experienced T-Mobile go from being on a list of “Ten Brands That Will Disappear in 2011”, to the cool carrier calling out AT&T and Verizon for their BS. T-Mobile was known as the Un-carrier because we were focused on unleashing customers from AT&T and Verizon’s ball and chain. We were the good guys, we were David taking on Goliath and we won! We forced AT&T and Verizon to change their ways - no contracts, unlimited minutes, unlimited data, buying out contracts, all of that was T-Mobile changing the industry! I’m proud of what we did from 2013 - 2020, those were some of my best days in life and I owe it all to T-Mobile.
But As They Say, All Good Things Come to An End
As T-Mobile’s good ends, mine begins. I have so much to expose about T-Mobile, months worth of juicy content, but I wanted to put something together today for all the new followers I’ve recently gained. I promise not to bore you with too much context about my experience at T-Mobile, but I believe it’s valuable to add some context so you have a better idea of why I make the statements I do.
Let’s Start With Trans
Yup. I’m going there first. There is a lot to unpack with DEI and my journalism will be devoted to it, but for now, let’s jump head first into the deep end. T-Mobile should be called #TransMobile, I’ll prove why without even scratching the surface of evidence. Here’s four points I’ll expose.
T-Mobile has “No lifetime dollar limit on surgical services” for Transgender-Specific Medical Coverage
T-Mobile has a four page “Gender Transition Guide” for Human Resources and Managers to reference when helping employees transition in the workplace
T-Mobile influences youth with the LGBTQ+ agenda by donating $1.25 million to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and GLSEN initiatives for “Powering the Future of Pride: T-Mobile Invests in Educational Equity for LGBTQ+ Youth”
T-Mobile creates a hostile work environment with the Slack room for the Pride group, Trans beliefs are forced
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The Belief Systems: Pro-Trans, Anti-Trans, In The Middle on Trans, Don’t Care
These groups aren’t intended to be labels, they’re intended to represent four different belief systems. We’re all humans, I don’t like labels.
Pro-Trans people are trying to force people to conform to pronouns, they believe in infinite genders, and they support children taking puberty blockers or having surgeries to affirm/change their gender.
Anti-Trans people don’t want anyone, including adults, going trans. Some are vocal about it, some aren’t.
People In The Middle On Trans don’t care if adults do it, but the line is drawn at children. Some adults don’t care what other adults do as long as it’s not breaking the law or hurting children.
Some people Don’t Care About Trans and they wish the other three groups would all shut-up.
T-Mobile Employee Spotlight - June 2022
That screenshot is straight from T-Mobile’s website. As a reminder, in June of 2022, America was bickering about transgender rights for children. I’ll link a refresher to the May 2022 press release from the Biden administration.
I personally don’t care if adults go trans, but I definitely draw a line with children and that’s what the Summer of 2022 was all about. I’ll never agree with a company promoting the trans agenda as hard as T-Mobile is, because now I understand the trans agenda is to purposely destroy America and Western values from within.
T-Mobile only covers up to $12,000 for a Female needing an In Vitro, but they’ll pay UNLIMITED for Transgender Surgeries?
To Me, it seems like T-Mobile wants people to have less children.
Receipts for My Four Points
T-Mobile Has “No lifetime dollar limit on surgical services” for Transgender-Specific Medical Coverage
Do I even have to elaborate here? This doesn’t seem normal.
T-Mobile Has a Four Page “Gender Transition Guide” for Human Resources and Managers to Use When Helping Employees Transition Genders
This resource is not on T-Mobile.com, you’ll have to trust me on this one. I bet most companies partnered with the “Human Rights Campaign” are using their “Template for Gender Transition Guidelines”. T-Mobile has scored a 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index for EIGHT consecutive years. A lot of interesting roads end at the Human Rights Campaign…
Powering the Future of Pride:
T-Mobile Invests in Educational Equity for LGBTQ+ Youth
T-Mobile thinks it’s important to influence the youth’s learning about LGBTQ+. Need I say more?
T-Mobile creates a hostile work environment with the Slack room for the Pride group, Trans beliefs are forced
I know this image is an eyesore, but I’m not sure how else to prove my experience at T-Mobile to you. Long story short — on a national webcast, a female SVP said “Chick-fil-A has a good experience” and the T’s lost their mind in the Slack room. Chick-fil-A is on a do-not buy list at the Bellevue HQ, and it’s often referred to as “Christian Hate Chicken”. I waited 24 hours before I replied and took up for the female SVP, and then I stirred up a Woke Mind Virus Attack! This is just part 1, I stirred it up the virus again the following week but we’ll save that story.
Closing Out
It’s my life’s mission to expose how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Environmental, Social, Governance are destroying America from within. 2020 awakened me and I’ve been researching what’s been going on for years.
It saddens me to see America being divided with these agendas, and the entire system is in on it — Politicians, Fortune 100 Companies, Hollywood, Professional Sports, and the list goes on. Capitalism was stolen from the American people and it was too easy to do — our enemies just had to buy up America’s Fortune 100 companies.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I worked at T-Mobile for 17 years, they violated my rights with the vaccine mandates, and now I’m in a position to expose how they turned Un-American.
God Has My Back
With Love - Marc Palasciano
Sources and Additional Content
T-Mobile Invests in Educational Equity for LGBTQ+ Youth
Ten Brands That Will Disappear in 2011
HRC Gender Transition Guidelines
Thank you for the exposé on T-Mobile. I've been trying to convince my husband to switch from them since they merged (took over) sprint. This stack might just be the thing that convinces him. You're very brave for reporting this egregious behavior; God bless you 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿
Of course this would have to come out during Pride Year!