No More Transgender Surgeries For Children - Trump's New Executive Order
The United States Government is now proving why my whistle blowing was the right thing to do.
Why this story matters: I’ve been exposing T-Mobile’s Pride and Transgender agenda for 16 months, my story should’ve already went viral but it’s locked down by the system because T-Mobile is protected from being exposed.
If you want to help both of us, share my story with someone you know - start an email chain like we’re back in the AOL days.
Team Humanity - Marc Palasciano
I never imagined it would get this good for my story.
Now President Trump and the US Government have multiple Executive Orders overturning DEI, Transgenderism, and Vaccine Mandates and I’ve been exposing T-Mobile for all of this since I started in September 2023.
Not only does this prove I did the right thing by risking everything to speak up, it also proves the US government and media should be recognizing me as a hero right now, but for some reason state and federal politicians decline my requests, they block me, they ignore me, and I’ve tried everything within my power to get politicians and media to help me.
For almost one year now, I’ve been telling people my story exposes the entire system because I learned first hand it did.
Look at how much new content and information I continue to produce day after day for free, go back and look at all the people I’ve reached out to, read the story of how I got my X account back by emailing X and Tesla leadership, look at the stories of me reaching out to people like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and I can keep going on and on.
I’ve continued to fight as hard as I can to do the right thing and I don’t care if nobody believes a word I say, because I know what I’m experiencing and how I’m risking my life to share it with the world.
I’ve learned A LOT about how the world is changing since 2020 because it’s literally an open book test I’ve studied - Amazon Link to The Great Reset Book by Klaus Schwab.
There are a lot of evil people on earth who are purposely poisoning and killing people for their own personal gain - power, money, evil agendas, whatever the reason it doesn’t really matter because it’s definitely happening.
I see the world as good vs evil and there’s a lot of different teams on team evil.
I’ve been blessed to be on team good.
Your hard pill to swallow - I know how this world works way better than you ever will.
And that’s why I continue to speak up for humanity.
T-Mobile’s Pride & Transgender Agenda
I’ve been laser focused on exposing how T-Mobile uses the pride and transgender agenda to attack humanity, attack western culture, and attack christianity because it’s pure evil that is being inflicted onto people on purpose.
To clarify, I’m referring to pushing the agenda onto society, I do not have a problem with gay and transgender adults.
Since 2012, T-Mobile has celebrated themselves as a “Best Place To Work for LGBTQ Equality” and they’ve focused on hiring LGBTQ people while providing benefits specifically for that community.
I guarantee there isn’t another Fortune 100 company in the USA that pushes Pride as hard as T-Mobile does, they’re one of the main sponsors of pride parades, they spend a lot of money on Pride, and they use a lot of employee hours for Pride.
Here’s a 30 second video T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert tweeted in 2021.
I was in T-Mobile’s Pride Group as an ally since 2016, and in 2021 I witnessed the group go from a fun place where everyone belonged, to bowing down to supporting the demands of woke nonsense like pronouns, transgender surgeries for children, and cancelling Chick-fil-A.
Yesterday, I wrote a story about how I took up for an SVP’s character in 2023 who was being attacked because she said Chick-fil-A had a good experience. This is one of the best examples you’ll ever see of DEI creating marxist behaviors in the USA.
The below is one of my favorite memes because it’s when I leveled up and started using a picture of me to send strong statements to T-Mobile’s leadership.
It’s from June 2024 because I used Pride month to expose Trans-Mobile.
T-Mobile’s Gender Transition Guide
T-Mobile has a four page guide for Human Resource Managers to use when helping employees change genders in the workplace.
This was the first document I used to expose T-Mobile’s Transgender agenda, I’ll expose the lunacy in bullet points below the images and add the full size pages at the bottom of this story.
It covers everything from introducing you to the team to legally changing your name.
Gender Transition Guide Highlights:
The goal is to create an inclusive environment where employees can be honest and open about who they are.
The transitioning employee determines the timeframe, communication, and cadence of the gender transition.
HR Managers will help employees announce their gender change if requested.
HR Managers will ask the employee about their name change and what pronoun they’ll begin to use.
HR Managers will create a support team for guidance and encouragement.
On the day of the announcement, HR managers will host meetings with the appropriate people to explain how the individual will present themselves with their new name and pronoun.
There’s a section for addressing co-worker concerns, here’s a quote: “A lack of knowledge around gender identity has the potential to create misunderstanding and tension in the workplace. Employees should be reminded of T-Mobile’s commitment to provide a workplace free of harassment and discrimination.”
There’s a section reminding the HR manager to check the employees nameplate, name in systems, email distribution lists, and T-Mobile’s official records.
Restroom access is covered and employees should have access to the restroom corresponding to their gender.
If you don’t legally change your name, T-Mobile will help you change your name in all the systems.
Here’s my story from December 2023 when I first exposed T-Mobile’s Gender Transition Guide. At the time I was afraid to share the internal documents I had, but now I know T-Mobile isn’t going to come after me because they’ll expose themselves which is why they censored me with big tech.
T-Mobile’s Mobilize For Equality PDF
T-Mobile has promoted this PDF on since 2018 and it’s intended to attract LGBTQ employees with benefits specific to them.
This was the second document I used to expose T-Mobile’s Transgender agenda, I’ll expose two sections below the PDF.
Transgender-Specific Medical Coverage
Unlimited money for transgender surgeries including transportation and lodging care.
No lifetime dollar limit on surgical services.
If you’re a mom with four kids, all four of your kids can have unlimited money for transgender surgeries.
If you’re a mom who needs help having a kid with in vitro fertilization, you’ll be covered but you’ll have a limit and will end up coming out of pocket with your own money.
This is 100% an evil agenda that is part of a depopulation plan.
Adoption/Surrogacy Benefits
Up to $13,500 per child in adoption or surrogacy assistance
I’ll never forget being on a pride call and seeing a gay asian guy who moved from China 10 years ago brag about adopting a “black” baby with his husband using T-Mobile’s benefits.
I’m not going to get into the morality of LGBTQ adopting children because it requires discussion, but what I witnessed with that asian guy is 100% the wrong thing for humanity because babies are not colored accessories.
2025 - RIP T-Mobile’s LGBTQ Benefits
Now Trump and his Executive Orders make T-Mobile’s Pride agenda even more interesting! It’s going to be fun for me watching T-Mobile navigate themselves out of being the most woke company in America.
I’m T-Mobile’s permanent colonoscopy over their DEI practices.
T-Mobile’s 2025 Employee Benefits on T-Mobile’s Career website no longer has a section specific to LGBTQ people, but I highly doubt they’ve shifted away from this internally because all hell would break loose.
It is very interesting that T-Mobile made this change prior to knowing Trump would publish these executive orders - my guess is McKinsey & Company is running the playbook behind the scenes coordinating alignment with corporations and the US government.