Exposing America's Lies With My Story
You'd be wise to listen but most people won't.
Why this story matters: It’s time for me to show you how my documented story over the last 15 months exposes the lies you’re being told from the system. Nobody in the world has a story like mine, I documented one of the craziest stories that’s not being told by anyone but me. You should be wondering why the system won’t acknowledge my story and help me get accountability for being censored and having my constitutional rights violated.
It doesn’t bother me if you don’t care or don’t understand me and my story, I already learned I’ve been blessed to be me and I can’t stop speaking truth during dark times because God put me here to do this for whatever reason.
With Love for Humanity - Marc Palasciano
If you don’t know what The Great Reset is, I can promise you this new administration is gonna show you what it is.
Elite billionaires will prosper while the middle class gets wrecked and joins the lower class. I’ve dedicated my life to exposing The Great Reset because T-Mobile is the World Economic Forum with all the technology needed for The Great Reset.
You’re silly if you think my life is just one big coincidence.
Today’s Promises That Should Help Me
Free Speech is back - Trump pledged to end government censorship and restore free speech in America.
There are only 2 genders - Trump spoke about establishing an official policy recognizing 'two genders'.
Let’s stick with these two for now.
Don’t worry! I know you’re tired of reading about my censorship. If you want to read about my censorship, there’s plenty of information for you in the below stories.
The fact you’re tired of hearing about my censorship is exactly what I want you to remember - Trump’s promises mean my censorship should go away!
I’ll bet every dollar I have I don’t get free speech on social media.
Trans-Mobile will be exposed!
Right? That’s what establishing a 2 gender policy should result in.
It’s going to be interesting to keep an eye on T-Mobile moving forward.
I’ll bet every dollar I have they keep pushing their Pride agenda.
Why will I bet every dollar I have?
The last year proved to me the America we think we live in is not the America we really live in. You’re gonna find out soon enough and I’m shocked more people haven’t figured it out since 2020 and COVID.
My story single handedly exposes the system and all of its fake heroes because I started with trusting the system and fake heroes.
Biden pardons Fauci while Trump supporters pardon Trump
It shouldn’t be a surprise President Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci at the last hour of his presidency and it’s even backdated to 2014.
I was team MAGA and Trump 2020 to 2023 because they were the team that was speaking up about the unconstitutional vaccine tyranny I was experiencing at T-Mobile. I went all in on the Conservative movement - I learned a lot from hours of podcasts and research, they inspired me to speak up, and then I spoke up and they blocked me and/or didn’t help me.
I learned first hand their words didn’t align with their actions.
I want accountability for Covid tyranny!
I already know I’m never going to get accountability for Covid tyranny.
I’ve been speaking up for the last 15 months and it’s resulted in me being censored and deleted from the internet while also being canceled by friends and family.
Trump supporters to this day refuse to hold Donald Trump accountable for approving Operation Warp Speed and the CARES act.
Operation Warp Speed - In 2020, $18 Billion of taxpayer money was given to Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson for a vaccine they already had ready to go. In 2022, Pfizer reported record earnings which was mainly from the vaccine taxpayers paid for. Trump and his administration still celebrate this.
CARES Act - $2.2 Trillion was printed for a flu like cold while the country was shut down. This is what really started America’s crazy inflation and then Biden added onto it.
People don’t understand how much research I have into what I speak about.
Trump was the one who pushed masks
People blame Fauci for masks but it was really Trump who forced Fauci to start pushing masks, see for yourself in this 45 second video.
2 Minutes of My Vaccine Is The Best Vaccine Of All Vaccines
Most Trump supporters will make excuses for Trump because Biden mandated the vaccines, but those people fail to understand it was an orchestrated event between two political teams that are really the same team.
Moderna CEO admitted to having the vaccine ready on live TV
As a reminder, Bill Gates funded Moderna in 2016 and played a key role in the vaccines development.
Heil Elon!
Welcome to the Fourth Reich which is really the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, New World Order, One World Government - it all means the same thing, humanity’s freedom will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence and Billionaire Tech Overlords.
People like Elon continue to make my story epic as they continue to use their hand symbols and symbolism.
Do you have any thoughts or past articles on Trump creating the Contact Tracing API with Apple and Google as a part of Warp Speed, which is now the largest mesh network in the world? Are carriers like T-Mobile also scraping proximity data from BLE or using BLE for last-hop surveillance in devices without SIM cards?
Thanks for all you do!
Nice article! Seems like the twilight zone.
The mechanism of harm has been clear since 2021 regarding mRNA but they keep pushing it, ignoring the ongoing genocide…
The doctors know but can’t agree on it in public, which should cause the program to be shut down immediately…
We refer to the collective brainwashing and failure to act as “the Darkforce”…
Hang in there boss.