Exposing my timeline of censorship on America's Free Speech App - A LOT of receipts are linked in this story.
The timeline is full of links to my stories - I guarantee you this email has a lot of truth you’ve never seen before.
Introduction With My Promise To You
My Timeline of X Censorship
Introduction With My Promise To You
8 months ago, I thought I would go viral for exposing T-Mobile as a Whistleblower.
Today, I’m heavily censored on every social media platform and I now understand our freedom has been sold in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Before I move on, I’d like to clarify, I wanted to go viral to spread my truth across the world and build an independent platform that would free me from slaving for another company. I’m not interested in going viral for fame.
Social Influencers are the complete opposite of their definition - they’re really just marketing slaves for whoever is paying them, they don’t influence anything meaningful.
The majority of you reading this know nothing about me, and I bet you don’t easily trust people if you’re reading content like mine (joke, lol). I’ll share more about me over time, but I like to focus my writing on giving you truth instead of telling you all about me and my story.
My promises to you and the rest of humanity
I speak truth. I don’t lie. I don’t expose things I’m not sure about. I can always backup my statements with receipts or evidence.
I’m not a Grifter. I’m not here for clicks and likes. (of course I like clicks and likes)
I’m not trying to manipulate you. I’m not trying to persuade you. You don’t have to believe a word I say, but I guarantee you’d be wise to.
I value my integrity, I’m a man of my word, and I’ve learned God has my back.
I have hope. My hope is in you and every other person I know. My hope is NOT in voting, because that’s the real black pill with no good outcome for humanity.
I could come up with a few more promises, but that should give you an idea of who I am. I’ll share my Introduction to Journalism video from October 2023 that provides more context about my beliefs at the bottom of this story.
Most people think I’m just another journalist exposing truth in a world full of lies, some people have figured out I’m a whistleblower speaking truth during dark times and God has blessed me with this opportunity.
Now let me expose more of Elon’s lies…
My Timeline of X Censorship
Buckle up, it’s a lot evidence. Receipts are linked to the bullet points. Feel free to ask questions in the comments or email me, whatever works for you.
8/31/23 - I was notified of T-Mobile layoff, on payroll through November 2nd
9/6 - My first tweet exposing Mike Sievert’s lies (new T-Mobile CEO)
9/24 - I exposed John Legere’s NFT Hustle with DJ Aoki (Legere is the old T-Mobile CEO)
9/26 - My first Ghost Ban (obvious it was from Legere’s influence)
A Ghost Ban is when all of your replies are hidden from people not following you. Replying to big accounts is the #1 way to grow an account, so hiding my replies meant I can’t grow.
10/20 - Tweeted my Introduction to Journalism Video to X
10/23 - Retweeted with my masterpiece on The Great Reset and T-Mobile
10/24 - My best day for follower growth, +1081% over my daily avg and +300% over my best day ever
10/25 - Shadow Banned & Suspended
The morning of 10/25, I felt my account hit a wall. I went from my best day ever to absolute radio silence, so I desperately started replying to big accounts begging for someone to help me, and then I got suspended that day.
10/27 - I pivoted to videos and posted my 2nd video ever, “Dear Elon” to YouTube and Instagram.
10/26 to 12/19 - I emailed X/Twitter Support daily and used my backup account to spread awareness on X. I didn’t receive one reply from support, none of the big accounts on X celebrating free speech would help me, and I learned first hand my heroes actions didn’t align with their words I heard for 3 years.
I got my account back on 12/19 after emailing Tesla and X leadership asking how to safely burn both of my Teslas in my cul-de-sac for New Year’s Eve (obvious joke). I had a trick up my sleeve in the email, I added a link to a private video so I’d know if any of them read my email. Nobody replied but I know they watched the video. So two weeks after I sent the first email, I replied calling them out for watching my video and not replying, and then I got my account back!
I thought I was winning by getting my account back, but now I know they let me have it back to test new censorship tactics on me. That’s what happens when you expose the WEF on a platform ran by the WEF. I was big time naive when I started my journey 8 months ago.
12/19 - My X Account Was Restored
12/31 - X finally took my handcuffs completely off, my reply to David Icke was visible and getting me followers and impressions
1/4/24 - A day I’ll never forget, Lara Logan retweeted my masterpiece and I was BLOWING UP
1/8 - Story: Unmasking the T-Mobile/SpaceX Partnership
1/10 - Story: Unmasking T-Mobile’s Transgender Agenda
1/11 - Story: Unmasking T-Mobile’s Black Agenda
1/16 - Story: Exposed: Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson
1/22 - Ghost Banned
I’ll never know the exact reasons for my censorship, I can only make educated guesses. I’m pretty sure this was for replying to Greg Abbott exposing the Dallas Mayor and/or my video about T-Mobile violating my rights in Texas.
I was PISSED. I’ve tried staying out of politics on X because only one narrative is welcomed - Trump has to be your savior and you‘re not allowed to question him in anyway.
1/23 - Story: Exposed: How Vivek Ramaswamy & His Family Socially Engineered a $3 Billion Hustle
1/27 - I Deactivated My Account Due To The 1/22 Ghost Ban
1/27 - Story: Elon Turned X Into the Greatest Social Engineering Tool In The World
1/29 - Story: Money Laundering: COVID-19 Tests
1/30 - Story: The NFL Turned On America In 2020
1/30 - Story: Truth: T-Mobile Is Destroying America From Within
1/30 - Twitter Support Proactively Emailed Me About Removing My Ghost Ban
1/31 - Story: Weird: Someone wants me on X/Twitter
2/2 - Story: More Lies: Jobs Report
2/4 - Story: F Cancer: Even Our Pets Are Being Poisoned
2/12 - Tweet: I exposed the NFL recognizing the Deputy Police Chief of Maui at the Super Bowl without telling us who he was
2/16 - New Type Of Ghost Ban
This was a completely new type of Ghost Ban, it was specific to keywords and topics instead of hiding all of my replies. This was another confirmation of X’s censorship becoming more sophisticated.
2/22 - Tweet: I was exposing the AT&T outage wasn’t a big deal while big name accounts were using it to lie to America in order to create chaos and generate clicks and revenue. A new follower of mine accidentally found a workaround to my shadow ban - he was tagging my account handle in the replies of big accounts and people were flooding my way, I got 650 new followers in one day! That pissed off X big time, because they locked me down 10x harder the next day, and I even predicted it in the linked tweet.
2/23 - Search Suggestion Ban
A search suggestion ban means NOBODY could find my account. You had to be following me or click through a lot of layers to find my account.
This was my final straw, my account is now locked down from growing, most people can’t find it, and if you do find it, who knows what tweets you do and don’t see.
During the above timeline, I grew from 100 to 7,304 followers, I generated 15 million impressions, I had the time of my life because I was being appreciated for the truth I was speaking, and I learned how naive I was with understanding how the world works.
But now, all of that turned me into an expert Truth Speaker.
Enjoy the Show!
With Love for Humanity - Marc Palasciano
Random Fun Facts:
I use A LOT of magenta to purposely troll T-Mobile.
I was laid off with 5,000 others at T-Mobile, the last date of employment was the same for most of us, and that day happened to land on my 17 year T-Mobile anniversary.
My X account was suspended 5 days after launching my journalism. My X account was suspended for 55 days. My X Account had 555 followers when it was unsuspended.
When I created my 2nd video ever, Dear Elon, it randomly had a duration of 4:44. This was one of the most spiritually days of my life.
I’ve bounced back smarter and stronger every time they beat me down.
Introduction to Journalism Video
October 20, 2023 - It’s not easy for me to get in front of a camera and speak truth, I continue to challenge myself with finding comfort in being uncomfortable. I was suspended for 55 days just 5 days after posting this video! Elon Musk lied to me and ruined the launch of my plan to build a personal income stream.
Feel free to roast me, I don’t blink once in this 20 minute video!! lol, I was reading from my iPad and learned a lot from that video.
Thank goodness for like-minded souls. I have been saying that Elon is not to be trusted for a long time, and that Trump is like our Pierre Poilevere... a distraction that will lead us nowhere good. They all throw crumbs, and like little mice we scurry over to each crumb thinking how lucky we are to have these crumb tosses, not realizing that the trail of crumbs will lead us right into their trap.
Well, that sounds pretty miserable, thank you for not giving up.
Have you moved on to posting on TRUTH, GAB, or exclusively doing videos on Rumble, etc.,?