Thank you for the exposΓ© on T-Mobile. I've been trying to convince my husband to switch from them since they merged (took over) sprint. This stack might just be the thing that convinces him. You're very brave for reporting this egregious behavior; God bless you πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΏ

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Thank you for taking the time to read it and what I’m doing! It’s been a hard 8 months but I know I’m not supposed to stop. Tread lightly switching, none of the carriers are any better when it comes to American values, don’t spend more or lose benefits if you switch. Capitalism was stolen from America - AT&T and Verizon are just as corrupt and any smaller carrier uses one of the big 3s network, so you get a 2nd class experience. I still have T-Mobile, switching will cost me money and I’d lose benefits. Feel free to ask me questions about wireless.

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Deep down I know you're right but I was totally content with sprint. They even paid for AAA as part of our contract. I went to a T-Mobile store a few years back bec my phone had died. The salesman was a fast talking slickster who changed our plan from the old one they promised to honor to their new magenta which "has all the same perks as your sprint plan." Lies!! They immediately started removing sprints benefits and we had to fight to get the old plan back. My husband actually did that bec I'm obviously a pushover that got us in this mess in the first place! Lss, we have a modified version of our old plan and tho we own our hardware, our bill went up $50 from our sprint contract. You're 100% correct, they all have problems but T mobile did the old bait and switch and I can't let my guard down with them; and then, 3 years later, I stumbled on your SS and all my suspicion has been validated. I just found you and am going through all your articles. I commend you for speaking out esp since you'd been with this company for almost 20 years. Corporations maybe considered people but they're soulless. As for John Legere, they probably made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

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I quit them

Went to a T-Mobile store for assistance.



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Sorry to hear about your shitty experience and I’m not surprised. I was so proud of T-Mobile 2013 - 2019 because we were different - it’s sad seeing what I helped build be destroyed and used against society. I was naive and ignorant, but now I’m positioned to expose everything about them. πŸ˜‚

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I’m not here to persuade you into a carrier, but I learned how full of shit Sprint was first hand. Their phone leases were unbelievable - you never owned them even after paying for them. T-Mobile definitely turned to shit so I get your experience - don’t be too upset with the store people, that’s how most of them are these days because of the pressure they get from the top. I’m not making excuses for them treating you that way, I’m just warning you it’s everywhere. T-Mobile is in the big club, they’re really the World Economic Forum and German government! Save my stories as PDFs, it’s only a matter of time before I cross my final line exposing the lies. Thanks for taking the time to go through my truth, there’s not another story like mine. Please know that’s not arrogance, I’ve been at this for 8 months and I’m now turning up the heat.

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Just be careful; people who've been exposing these villains have been "suicided." Not saying that's going to happen but the dark siders are getting desperate not to be exposed for the demonic entities that they are. Every thing that is happening is a part of the "great reset/awakening." It's a race to see who can gather more people to their side. Funny (ironic, not haha) how this all aligns with the spiritual war that is happening simultaneously all around the world. You are def doing work for the God/good side, and the other team doesn't like to have the light shone on them: and the light shines on darkness and it did not comprehend it. I know I botched the actual biblical quote but you get the gist. Keep speaking truth to power and May the force be with you πŸ™πŸΌ

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Of course this would have to come out during Pride Year!

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