We don't HAVE to live there, in their altered reality. Just say no! Get out of those devices. Indeed, that sure could be disease x, that they keep telling us about. I will live in the real world- no augmented reality. No globies. No bugs. "It weew change eeew..." dear ole crusty ear swab
Notice his illuminati handsign in one group pic, what a sleaze. He didnt save people from freezing to death several yrs ago by standing up to the DOE either. So much for his Texas spirit. Coward.
We don't HAVE to live there, in their altered reality. Just say no! Get out of those devices. Indeed, that sure could be disease x, that they keep telling us about. I will live in the real world- no augmented reality. No globies. No bugs. "It weew change eeew..." dear ole crusty ear swab
Notice his illuminati handsign in one group pic, what a sleaze. He didnt save people from freezing to death several yrs ago by standing up to the DOE either. So much for his Texas spirit. Coward.