Thank you for all the effort you are putting in, at least you have this medium. When you have a moment and at your convenience could you post the details on the outages that show they are code issues and nothing more. Again, thank you for your efforts!

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Thank you for taking the time to read it and appreciate it! The sad reality is I now export my Substack because it's only a matter of time before they cancel me too. Here's the official letter for AT&T's outage but you can google and confirm it was just a bad code drop, I don't know about Crowdstrikes and I've moved on from paying attention to current news topics because it's 99% brainwashing at this point. I've been in wireless since 2006, it's completely normal to see a wireless carrier goof something up - most AT&T customers didn't even experience the issue but the news blew it up to cause news chaos. https://about.att.com/ecms/dam/snrdocs/network-employee-letter.pdf

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Thank you for that background, I was in telecom back in the day and am familiar with how systems glitch :)

If you feel Substack will bounce you at some point, how about making videos of your experience and put them up on Rumble, they seem a forgiving bunch. Or perhaps gab? I wish you well, it's not easy being in the truth trenches.

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Thank you! I genuinely appreciate your support and kind words, my life has been extremely hard the last 10 months but it's also been the most rewarding 10 months of my life. Rumble is 100% controlled opposition. I know you're gonna think I'm crazy but keep paying attention to me and I guarantee you'll learn I'm right one day. Rumble is based out of Canada which is red flag #1, and #2 is the one eye symbolism from the CEO. The 2 year ago version of me would completely dismiss what I'm saying today.

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I have no problem with what you say re Rumble, or X for that matter. I see both as very successful methods to corral dissenters and to curtail any real alternative media forums. Are there any sites you trust, at least at the moment?

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I've personally stopped paying attention to all of it, I'm focused on telling my story and exposing the truth I have because everything else seems like a distraction to me. I had a lot of sources for different topics - what are you interested in?

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What am I interested in, had to think a bit about that.

I watch world events for glitches. Events that go sideways, people/officials speaking truths by accident, failed govts efforts to conceal failure. I look for dropped stitches in the NWO's fabric of lies, this best describes what interests me.

For example; recently Schwab's "brain" (can't recall his name at the moment) spoke with a reporter and said Trump's nationalist philosophy winning will end the NWO plan, that they are/will be helpless before him. What nonsense.

When a vampire says as the sun will rise shortly he is now absolutely helpless, even doomed. You know he is clearly not giving you the full story. Which tells me they have a very nasty ace yet to play. What is it?

Now Vance's background, his financial backers, and 1% friendships are very worrisome, is Vance their card? Or do they think suddenly collapsing the world currencies will do the trick. Possibly both?

That is one example, there have been a number of slips of the veil lately. For example; Putin's visit to China did not go as well as he had hoped I think. Which is why the somewhat amazing deals were quickly cut with North Korea IMO.

And all the recent assassination attempts some successful, some not, what does that indicate? Are they running out of time? Time for what?

So you see, I look for events that cause me to think. I admit I come to very few conclusions, but I do come to some. We live in interesting times :)

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I don’t understand shadow banning and other algorithm coding. It’s really bad you lost your followers on X.

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🙏🏼There isn't anyone who can better explain censorship and algorithms on Elon's X than me. Elon was my hero, I bet everything on having free speech on X to share my story, and now I know X is the greatest social engineering tool the world has ever seen. The best part is I was documenting my experience here on Substack so I have a breadcrumb trail of my entire story to prove my statements to be true.

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