I have to cut off my family to protect myself like I protected myself from T-Mobile and the US Government
The level of brainwashing in 2024 is a direct indicator of a collapsing civilization.
I feel like I’m stuck in a movie. I’ve been blessed to be who I am with all the experiences I have to now speak truth during dark times.
I see so much truth that 99.9% of society can’t see - which means none of my family or friends see the truth I do because it’s that rare of a trait.
Not seeing what I see isn’t a diss on anyone, it’s just reality, once you stop comparing yourself to others then you’ll appreciate others for who they are.
The same family members that think I’m going crazy are the same ones that haven’t asked me a single question about what I’m exposing or admitted that I was right during the entire pandemic.
My family is assuming things about me from my social media posts while most of them haven’t read a single word I’ve written here on my Substack.
It’s way easier for my family to call me crazy behind my back than it is for them to reach out and ask me one question about what I post or write. That’s a fucked up world, but that’s America’s New Normal and it’s been designed this way because we’re living through the collapse of a world power.
My Cousin is suing me for defamation, lol.
He won’t get far - the “I’m gonna sue you for defamation” male is the beta male version of a Karen. He got butt hurt because I made fun of his CEO choking up on TV after causing a major outage, my cousin works for CrowdStrike, haha.
He even told me “I am CrowdStrike”, he also said “I am Cisco” before they violated his rights with vaccine mandates causing him to leave.
He didn’t like me posting this to my private social media that only family and a small few friends see.
We’ve been friends, we’ve butted heads, we’re both assholes at times, but he’s been brainwashed into being a self righteous asshole.
God is real. Jesus is real. But, I believe America’s version of Christianity is a lie just like everything else about our country. My cousin thinks he’s a better person than me simply because he reads the Bible and I don’t.
WTF is that? That doesn’t seem like any religion I want to be part of. He got so mad at me when I said the Bible has some truth and some lies, he acted like I disrespected his entire existence because my opinion was different than his.
He told me he’s not allowed to question the King James Bible, it’s 100% truth and there’s not a single lie in the book. That’s all I need to hear to know someone has been brainwashed by something.
I completely support him being the Christian man he wants to be, he can be whatever religion he wants and it’s all the same to me, but if you think a book that’s been around for thousands of years hasn’t had one person manipulate something in it, you’re being a little too naive and ignorant for me. Especially a book that came from an English Monarchy that didn’t allow their citizens to have freedom of religion or freedom of thought.
Why would a monarchy want their people to think freely? They wouldn’t…
Today’s Quotes From The Amazing Christian Cody
If you dont get my name out your mouth I am going to take legal action. Keep it up Marc and you will have defamation suits up to your eye balls.
Your hate for Gods word is demonic.
You are mentality off Marc. You are so full of pride.
Ok bro you will lose instagram also.
Thanks for that nail in the coffin. Man you should consult legal advice at this point.
Your life is miserable.
10 years from now, history will say “America and Pfizer saved hundreds of millions of lives from the COVID-19 pandemic with a monumental accomplishment of getting a vaccine to market within 9 months.”
The last few years have taught me the history I know is a lie, I now refuse to believe anything I’m told at face value while most of society believes everything at face value.
Can you question if we landed on the moon?
Did you know NASA was created by a NAZI? Wernher von Braun.
Elon can’t get to the moon today and your phone has 100 million times the computing power.
I’m not saying we didn’t go to the moon, I’m not saying we did go to the moon, I wasn’t there, all I’m saying is the evidence seems to point to we didn’t go to the moon but maybe we did and it was a miracle.
The government has proven to lie more than NASA has proven we’ve gone to the moon.
Have you figured out 9/11 was an inside job?
3 buildings fell, lookup Tower 7. Coincidentally, it happened to be a building for the SEC, IRS, and Secret Service and a lot of documents were destroyed.
The owner, Larry Silverstein, took out a $3.5 billion insurance policy weeks before the attack, and Larry and his family all happen to not be there on that tragic day.
The terrorists passports were on them in the airplane but somehow managed to be found later on the streets not burned. lol
Don’t get me started with COVID, surely by now you know it wasn’t from a bat in a wet market.
COVID and the pandemic was a big step in destroying America from within in order to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Spoiler alert, it’s working.
The 2020 election was 100% stolen.
Trump won the election but they needed Biden in office to destroy us from within while keeping Trump’s image in tact to be used later to divide America.
Did you know Argentina has a lot of German communities and a lot of Germans escaped there after World War 2?
Rumor is Hitler and his top dogs had a great life in Argentina after supposedly losing.
It is always hard to lose family, but no one says that you have to get along. I will pray that you two can one day agree to disagree, because this is what they want: families to break up:(
I have removed myself from my family as well. It happened just before Obama was elected. I saw what was coming with his "hope and change" promise.