Great catch and I vote no :)

Someone who might speak up in Congress should know of this. Perhaps you might send it to the attention of Matt Gaatz, Ron Johnson for example?

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Thank you! I don’t mind trying to share it with them. No offense to those two, but I’ve lost hope in the entire system working for us. I’ve been nothing but let down by people I thought would fight for me. Oh well - now I fight for me and America’s future with my free speech.

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Completely valid observation, but I would send it anyway and to a lot more of them.

When you end personal participation in government you give it over to those who do, and you give a win to those who would quiet your voice.

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Great info to process over ☕️💖. Appreciate you hard work. It is an iceburg.

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Well said. I'm still bitter from last week. My Twitter account was ghost banned for replying to Greg Abbott with my story about T-Mobile discriminating against me in Texas and testing a vaccine passport in Frisco Texas. I also replied to Abbott with my story exposing the Dallas Mayor. I'm not sure which one got me in trouble, but I went from 750,000 daily impressions to 15,000.

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Elon's bread and butter comes from Federal contracts and Grants.

To see him as capable of being a bastion of free speech is probably not realistic. Your experience demonstrates just that. Could I suggest that you take the same posts you put up on X and post them instead on TRUTH and on GAB. And post links to them here encouraging readers to upvote them.

I think your posts are quite likely to do well there, and the more you support sites that are free, the better for all concerned. Make sure on TRUTH you post both on Trump's and David Nunes sites as well :)

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Elon wouldn’t know to lock my account down unless someone on Abbott’s team requested it. Abbott was tweeting about his trip to India and bragging about how amazing the economy is for Texans. I replied letting him know T-Mobile laid off 5,000 people and I asked if he cared more about India than he did protecting my rights. I tried Truth a couple months back and couldn’t get any traction. To me, it seems like you have to be focused on the 2024 election to get their attention and I’m over voting. I’d rather use my free speech to fight for America.

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Thank you for that background, sounds like Abbots PR people may have blocked you. I certainly respect your decisions given this info :)

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