We all, MYSELF ESPECIALLY, need, should want and ask for, if we don’t already understand and ask for, our own CREATOR’s, sacrificial love and help, and understanding. About,….. EVERYTHING!!!!

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No human understands everything!

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So, When Scalps? When Scalps, Purple Background Man? You haven't exposed anything because there's no Blood Shed Upon The Ground.

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Insightful piece. We share the same concerns about these counter-narrative propagandists.

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I trusted these people 2020 - 2023, I thought they’d help me and welcome me into their movement, and now I learned my story exposes them.

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I think they may have policies of blocking pll they consider spamming: going off topic to co-opt the thread. They do have a right to make that policy. But if you feel called to share your truth, it's consequences a person must accept. If they're truly grifters, your resoluteness showed you this.

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I understand your point and that’s not what happened. Also, they shouldn’t block because they celebrate free speech, they should mute people but they block because they want to hide the truth.

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Good points. I know I tend to block ppl because I don't like conflict. These ppl are different. They seem like dogs protecting their food tray... and they're feeding on their followers. God bless.

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Lord reveal motives, of MY OWN, to ME! PLEASE!

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You nailed it with your analogy! I don’t block people unless it’s an obvious bot scam.

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I feel like for some of these if not all what probably happens is that they start out on the fringe ie exposing corruption here and there and connecting dots etc. but then big money comes calling; sponsors that they plug on there shows and ones they don’t. This is where things turn for them. The volume is turned down or completely tuned off on important issues or they will outright deflect as you have shown in your examples here. They become slaves.

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Bingo! They sell their souls for fame and money, just like Hollywood.

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And so it goes that they continue to seek the polarization of society, the shell game while more horrendous things are planned. They are soon to discover the error of their ways. It's not about this or that party, but rather about the actions of individuals through which they show their true colors, as they say. Good points and evidence you provide.

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Society will always be polarized because society is Anti-White.

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Thank you for reading my story and sharing your feedback!

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Can you identify Pascal Najadi- conservative big mouth- Trumper- my bs meter says gatekeeper grifter. Love to know where he lands w you...

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Never heard that name but just googled. My guess is your intuition is spot on. I’ve learned the entire system is rigged against us and if people across the world are signing the same tune, then they’re on the same team. You are not allowed a big platform online unless you’re in the big club. People don’t go viral, they’re purposely pushed viral.

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Karlyn Borysynko points these names out a lot as well.

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Never heard that name, I’ll check them out.

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