I wonder how long we've been living under these oligarchs. Surely, we only notice now because Big Tech and the Legacy Liars are in the bag for them and have us all hooked to our cellphones that spy on us and tell them everything they need to know to control us.

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Resilience is the word. I have been told not to worry, our world has always been run by the 1% and if we got rid of this lot, someone else would step into their shoes. Is this a healthy attitude or the easy option that some of us should refuse to take?

I can't use Twitter at all as my account was suspended some time ago. Probably because of a woman who works for the BBC who didn't like me suggesting free speech was being suppressed!

Censorship is happening because of the system we live in and who is running it. Do we think we can change that?

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The last year has taught me us normies will never beat the machine. My hope is in humanity which is why I’m risking everything to speak up, I have zero hope in the system making my life better. People like you is what gives me up which is why I keep fighting through censorship to tell my story to more people.

Thanks for taking the time to read through it!

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Elon musk is a faker & a deep state a-hole, I cant stand to look at his face! Traitor!

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It can happen to ANYONE these days Marc. What I have observed the past few years is that most people don't seem to be concerned about many things, unless it affects them or their family directly. They will silence those who disagree with anything that is connected to the current plan that is being rolled out globally.

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Exactly! I couldn’t have said it any better.

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Right! As the saying goes, I may not agree with what someone says, but I will defend their right to say it.

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We’re living in some crazy times! My friends and family stopped talking to me, some are happy I’m being censored, one best friend even reported my Gmail account trying to shut me down, and I’ve learned free speech is dead.

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Wow, jerks!

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