Good work Mark. Thank you for all you do.

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You better not bleed magenta once a month Marc !!

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one

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Someone who lives in the CA fire zone just posted photos of the new devastation. The photos show large houses burned down to rubble, with untouched trees in their yard. Also shows unmelted blue plastic trash cans still sitting on the curbs of burned out houses. It reminds me of the Paradise, CA and Lahaina, HI fires where the same strange burn patterns happened. Those are widely believed to have been started and directed by DEWs (direct energy weapons). Here is an interview with a forensic arborist who studied those, and many other, fires. https://rumble.com/v5sdcdt-whats-causing-these-weird-fire-burn-patterns-in-california-and-maui-forensi.html

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Thanks for sharing and I’m not surprised whatsoever - I watched enough First 48 to know coincidences are not to be ignored. We’re witnessing some crazy times!

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What am I missing/ there are lots of satellites. How does that involve Musk?

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I'll be interviewing Bruce Gagnon of SpaceAlert! tomorrow who is very aware of how satellites are used to commit genocide in Gaza, as well as Ukraine. Very few are covering this Marc - keep up the good work!

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Nice! It’s crazy how much stuff there is to dig into on this topic. Thanks for reading, supporting, and understanding what I’m doing!

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