Documenting My Life At Risk
Texas Leadership is a complete failure and my story proves it
Meme from September 20, 2024
Why this story matters: Today, I mailed back my Texas License To Carry and it’s important for me to document the opportunities Texas had to help me. Not having my first and second amendment rights is not good for me - being a whistleblower isn’t a game, it comes with a lot of risk and no reward, it’s a thankless role that’s always been necessary in society to expose evil corruption.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ve exposed a lot of evil corruption.
Thanks - Marc Palasciano
Strangers Are What Help Me Not Give Up
Thank you to every one of you reading this!
My parents, my brother, my best friends, T-Mobile friends, regular friends, Texas leadership, United States leadership, all of it has disappointed me!
My friends and family let me down because they’re brainwashed by the system, and my Texas and United States leadership completely failed to protect me and my Constitutional Rights because the system is corrupted down to the core.
We’re living through some wild times and 2025 started off with a bang! (that’s a joke)
Here’s my reply to the License To Carry Department under the Texas Department of Public Safety - it’s not this persons fault but I need to document how I continue to be put at risk by a corrupted Texas government.
Let me expose Tarrant County GOP real quick.
Tarrant County GOP Leader Richard West, aka Bo French took my troll bait today and exposed himself with my story like every other conservative sellout does.
Why do so many politicians change names like actors?
Because they’re actors.
I baited Bo in his DMs on X and then he used the screen recording to act like a victim so his followers would reply with sorrow which also results in a higher payout from X because he’s just engagement farming.
It’s too easy for me and my story to expose Conservatives who pretend to care.
Like I did last week at Ken Paxton’s tour at Tarrant County’s GOP Headquarters.
Bo French is the Chairman of Tarrant County GOP, the largest red county in America, and he enjoys “making Tarrant County inhospitable to democrats”.
Political tribalism is one of America’s biggest problems.
Bo virtue signals on X with conservative values and pretends to care about the US Constitution being stomped on, but yet he blocked me for this reply after he used my story to play victim while also pretending to care about my story.
The World Economic Forum money must be good for Bo French too.
Richard West should have called himself Dick West instead of Bo French - Bo French sounds gay.
Dear Texas - your entire leadership is bought and paid for by money coming from companies that hate you.
Stories From 2024 Exposing Conservatives
I trusted the Conservative movement 2020 to 2023, they inspired me to bet on myself and speak up, and in 2024 I learned all of them are bought and paid for and my story single handedly exposes it.