Ok, I know I should have powered through that first woke c*nt, but there was no way I wanted to.

People truly need to understand that this mental illness and derangement is more prevalent, than they want to admit. There are more of these white, liberal, woketard karens out there, brainwashing the next generations, than one would think.

We lost this country to these fuks by wallowing in the Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment cesspools, while they were signing up members and training their radicals.

This is not going away because you binged the latest netflix special or tailgated at every local sporting event. It goes away, when you get as serious about taking your country back as they have been about destroying it.

I literally need to go feed something to my wood chipper, to get back to normal after only watching the first 10 seconds of that. We are fuked if we keep fighting this war, the way we have been.

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I'm glad you get it! This is exactly why I knew I had to do what I'm doing and I can't stop no matter how much censorship I run into, no matter how many friends I piss off, and no matter how much of my family thinks I'm a crazy idiot. I know damn well I'm doing God's work right now and I'm blessed and thankful for this opportunity, it's been hard AF but I keep going because people like you recognize what I'm doing. Thank you! That woke cunt is a Sr Director making roughly $500k per year and she added Chick Fil A to a do not buy list at the Bellevue Washington HQ.

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Great job choosing a side - whether that’s God’s (always the right choice), common sense, logic or reality (as in 2+2=4 and you can’t eat carbon credits).

I haven't really cared what people think of me for quite a while now and am happy to cut the dead meat away, in order to save the body. I will caveat that with I’m not married and have no kids, so admittedly, I have it easier than allot of you.

I started my stack, because unless people are told how bad things are, they will not act - they’re procrastinating lazy bastards by nature. So, slapping them across the face with the truth will wake the ones who will fight into action and out of their wallowing in platitudes that tell them “we are winning” and “there are more of us than there are of them”. We certainly are not winning.

If we ever get “this” back, none of us over the age of 40, will live to see it. However, that won’t happen, if we don’t fight now.

Well done sir!!

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Thanks for standing with me during dark times! I started off with common sense, I’m not religious, but now I know some sort of spiritual world exists because my life has way too many coincidences to be a coincidence - I worked at T-Mobile for 17 years and now I’m exposing them, I feel like I’m in the Truman show 😂. I’m married with no kids so I totally get your point. The crazy part is my friends with kids quit talking to me and those brainwashed idiots can’t see I’m speaking up for their children. Oh well, people like you and me are fighting for humanity while most of them stay asleep.

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Well said!!

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FYI - my entire Substack is a breadcrumb trail of being a Whistleblower. I exposed more than T-Mobile, I expoed the Dallas Mayor paying his x chief of staff he was sleeping with, Zoetis which is Pfizer poisoning our pets and livestock, and my X files are better than Matt Taibbi's controlled opposition files. Not sure how much you've dug in but my story is pretty damn legit lol. I'm not being arrogant, I'm just a truth speaker who is finding my confidence.

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I'll definitely take a look.

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I have no idea what these people are even talking about. Bills that are life and death for people who are LGBTQ? How is it life or death, if they aren't having babies?

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It’s absolute insanity and these companies are purposely gassing up the agenda. They we’re talking a lot about the Transgender laws blocking children from puberty blockers and gender surgeries. It was so miserable being at a company that thinks a 10 year old should change genders - I don’t care if an adult goes trans even though I think it’s stupid, that’s their business and they’re an adult. I draw the line with children.

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Gotcha. Thanks Marc. So yes - these bills are life or death - more like death with puberty blockers. At least you're using this as fuel to enlighten others. In researching EMFs, I've discovered that t-mobile phones are the first to have a direct link to Starlink, as I'm sure you're aware?

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I won’t ever stop exposing T-Mobile! 😃

T-Mobile and Starlink is interesting - I think it’s more to be able to track cell phones anywhere in the world, and I’m now curious if they used Starlink and T-Mobile 5G to create the Auroras around the USA everyone saw. https://www.marcpalasciano.com/p/unmasking-the-t-mobilespacex-partnership

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"Wow - yeah I absolutely HATE this company. The most woke piece of shit company I've ever worked for

Their mandate ended right before I was hired too...they celebrate all sorts of tranny shit and the CEO is total woke anti Trump, anti conservative."

I wrote this on a previous post. This is from my neighbor/friend who presently works for T-Mobile. He is presently looking for another job. He can't stand the craziness. He is proof everything you have written about is true!

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