T-Mobile Germany Created Vaccine Passports, Digital Currency, Social Credit Scores, and A Blockchain to Operate It All
Dear T-Mobile Senior Leadership: Enjoy being elite multi-millionaires who screw over the average American while you virtue signal and pretend you’re good people who care about America’s future. I WILL wake up America to your Corporate Tyranny, your Lies, your Corruption, and your ties to the World Economic Forum! 😘
Fun Fact - Germany Bullied Their Way Into America Through Buying VoiceStream Wireless
I’m A Truth Journalist That Exposes Uncomfortable Truth, I Don’t Make Statements I Can’t Backup Without Evidence
T-Mobile’s parent company is Deutsche Telekom. Deutsche Telekom is a German wireless company who was once majority owned by the German government.
T-Mobile has A LOT of ties to the World Economic Forum — including their new President of Technology, Ulf Ewaldsson, who once worked for Ericsson. Ericsson has a LONG list of corruption all over the world, from funding terrorists, to bribing officials.
T-Mobile is at the forefront of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI).
T-Mobile continues to celebrate their results for 2023 while they laid off 5,000 Americans.
I witnessed T-Mobile test a Vaccine Passport in Frisco Texas and I can’t find one Texas politician that cares.
We’re not in a recession, we’re in a controlled demolition of the American economy and US dollar. Recessions don’t have companies reporting record earnings while raising consumer prices.
When companies like T-Mobile are able to report record earnings, lay off 5,000 Americans, and raise prices on consumers — YOU HAVE A PROBLEM AMERICA!
T-Mobile Is Leading The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, New World Order, Whatever Name You Want To Call It
Most people don't know how deep T-Mobile is intertwined into The Great Reset and WEF, but I do…
Are you ready to lose your freedom?
Are you ready for the government to control your every move and every dollar you spend with digital currency?
Did you really think COVID was just an accidental pandemic that resulted in the largest transfer of wealth in history, while also launching digital measures to control people?
Did you notice how Artificial Intelligence apps came out of nowhere since November 2022? And not just any Al, these apps can pass the bar exam to be a Lawyer, or a medical exam to be a Doctor.
Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where "You'll Own Nothing. And You'll Be Happy". The good news is, humans won't have to work as hard because Al will continue taking over more and more jobs. The bad news is, now a lot less humans are needed on earth.
Did you think Biden kicking off wars all over the world was an accident? A lot of people don't know that World Wars are a great way to usher in Industrial Revolutions.
Meet T-Systems, one of Deutsche Telekom’s many subsidiaries.
T-Systems helped both the WHO and European Union with creating vaccine passports and digital identities.
T-Systems has a subsidiary, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions that helps companies conform to Agenda 2030 with robust sustainability plans and cloud computing with automation.
One of my favorite apps T-Systems created is the Customer Data Platform. It combines data from a lot of different sources to create a customer profile. e.g. Social Media, Online Searches, Identity, and Banking.
Nice work T-Systems!
It looks like y'all have a robust Social Credit Score system ready to go…
Tip - Download the above meme and send it to your friends in text messages! I’m doing journalism different than most.
Thanks - Marc Palasciano
Note From Me: If you appreciate this information, please help me grow by sharing my website and free newsletter with people. I turned down a severance worth $146,627 from T-Mobile to keep my free speech so I could expose this to the world.
I have a GoFundMe for my severance — my hope is someone with a lot of money sees my story and helps make me whole. But if not, no biggie, I’ll operate on my savings and use every dollar I’ve saved to fight for America with my free speech. I don’t want the average American to donate money they need for their own family.
Additional Resources
If you’re new to me, make sure you check out my website and the other stories exposing T-Mobile and Truth -
Links - Use your browser’s feature to translate from German to English