Reality Check: World War 3 Is Coming
WW3 is inevitable, because The Fourth Industrial Revolution needs WW3 to Reset the World
We’re living through an open book test and society is failing big time. The question isn’t will WW3 happen, the question is when will WW3 happen? The Fourth Industrial Revolution isn’t a secret, it isn’t a myth, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) defined it in 2016 and society is inching closer to it day by day. Did you notice the remarkable emergence of powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools over the past two years? In 2023, individuals equipped with a device and an internet connection can tap into an AI capable of passing the bar exam to be a lawyer and ace the medical exam to be a doctor.
Let me show you how it’s an open book test. Check out this snippet from the WEF’s website published on January 14, 2016. Don’t worry, I’ll summarize it if you don’t want to read it, but I want you to see the receipts I provide as I tell this story.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution For Dummies
Remember the books for dummies? I miss those times in America!
The Fourth Industrial Revolution completely changes the way we live life — the fiat money system will be replaced with centrally controlled digital currency, AI will be prioritized over humans for work, people will have zero privacy from their government, and American life as I’ve known it for the last 40 years will be long forgotten.
I’m sure some people are rolling their eyes and dismissing my perspective by labeling me a conspiracy theorist, because that’s how society works in 2023 when people hear a narrative outside of their programming.
ChatGPT’s Definition of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Did you see anything about humans in ChatGPT’s definition? Nope.
WEF’s Definition of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Straight from the WEF website - The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we create, exchange, and distribute value. It is a technological shift merging our physical, digital, and biological worlds into one. The fast-developing technologies pushing it forward, such as artificial intelligence, genome editing, augmented reality, robotics, and 3-D printing, are promising smart solutions for intractable challenges. But this revolution also calls for governing these solutions in ways that empower, foster collaboration, and help build a more sustainable foundation for social and economic development.
Did you see anything about humans in the WEFs definition? Nope.
By now, hopefully you understand the Fourth Industrial Revolution is real and it’s clearly defined by people calling the shots around the world. The process for ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is called “The Great Reset”, but we’ll dive into that another time because it can quickly get muddy.
Below is ChatGPT’s definition of the Industrial Revolutions - notice how the Third Revolution is Present and so is the Fourth Revolution?
My bet, 2024 is the Year the Third Industrial Revolution Ends…
I’m open to discussions about why I’m wrong, I’m ending with my fine print.
The above statements are hypotheses that I've found to be supported by evidence, much like scientific research. It's important to note that this support is not in an absolute sense; I remain open to considering additional evidence or knowledge that could challenge or disprove these hypotheses. I want to emphasize my openness to engaging in conversations and discussions about every statement I've made. I am eager to understand any perspectives that challenge my views or highlight inaccuracies in my statements.
With Love - Marc Palasciano
Here’s two books for the haters who will call me crazy and stupid.
Fourth Industrial Revolution - Klaus Schwab
The Great Reset - Klaus Schwab

I agree with your overall assessment of the danger we are facing today. But I think the predominant factor is the surge in Satanism and cultural Marxism among the “elites”, the AI or the fourth industrial revolution is tapped by the group to facilitate their power grabs.
The current crisis is fundamentally the same as the rise of Communism and global revolutions in the most part of the 20th century. The current fight against Marxism and globalism is doomed to fail if we are constrained by the letters of the law while the other side blatantly can trample the law and Constitution without any consequences.
Check out two indisputable examples: FBI Directors Wray and Comey and AG Bill Barr. They commit treasons and the law, yet they get away with their crimes while using the state violence to wipe out and intimidate the patriots.
You nailed it! I couldn’t have said it any better. I didn’t understand how deep the Satanism until 2 years into researching the WEF and Great Reset. I’m playing with fire but I don’t care. I already know I have nothing to lose, so I’m going to fight for humanity by speaking truth during dark times. Over the last 3 months, I’ve lost best friends, close friends, my family thinks I’m crazy, but I know they’re brainwashed by the evil corruption and I’m a force of good fighting for them. I don’t hold it against them, they’re gonna figure out I was a force of good soon enough. Like you said, probably this year.