Biden's Marijuana Hustle Continues
Here we go again, Biden is trying to be the cool President to garner votes
Dear Readers - thank you for supporting me at the beginning of my journey! I know it’s been a lot of T-Mobile, here’s an example of me breaking down the narrative on another topic. I promise to bring different topics and types of content in 2024, hang in there with me while I make an example out of T-Mobile. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Every two years we go in circles on federal legalization with marijuana — politicians get way more benefit keeping marijuana federally illegal than they do legalizing it. This is what I call socially engineering votes and supporters - it’s brainwashing society with headlines and no context or reference to the past. People of all ages will fall for this social engineering, but Gen Z and lower eat these narratives like candy.
Check out today’s headlines, Biden is a hero! 🤣
We’re living in a 🤡🌎
America has such a short memory, most people don’t remember what Biden promised back on October 6, 2022. I’m pretty sure not a single person was released from jail with the announcement below, because nobody was in federal prison for simple marijuana possession, they have other charges.
Marijuana is Schedule 1, Same as Heroin!
24 out of 50, almost half of the states in the United States are running legal, recreational, marijuana operations with state and local governments profiting from the taxes, but the US government legally views marijuana the same as heroin and crack. Cocaine, OxyContin, and Adderall are Schedule 2, the US government legally views marijuana as more dangerous than cocaine.
Remember in 2021 when Biden fired people for legally smoking marijuana? 🤡
Social Engineering 101
Politics is designed to keep society divided and focused on nonsense to make it easier for wealthy elites to control society. The sooner people wake up and realize America isn’t going to be saved by the political system, the sooner we can get America back on the right track.
I’m so Tired of Right vs Left - America In a Meme
With Love - Marc Palasciano